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Category Archives: Personal

My prize!

It’s the best when a package arrives at your doorstep unexpectedly.  In my house, it’s not abnormal to have quite a few

Confession: food sorta controls my life

“I always let my kids do what they wanted with food, because I figured, ultimately it’s the only extraneous thing they could

Chronicling a year…

I’m sure many of you have witnessed people’s attempts to take a picture a day for 365 days.  And I know I’m like totally

Wedding Planning: Sacrifice, Compromise, and {Hidden Costs}

I’ve been planning my wedding since July of 2009, and I’ll be honest, it was REALLY easy up until now because I could just come

Hump year

For the past two years, my birthday has rolled around and I’ve inevitably found myself asking Ryan, “how old am I going to

Product: Lifestyle Management?

If you are like my fiance’ just the thought of being on a “program” is enough to make you stop reading this post and go

New Year, new me?

I’ve never been one for making New Year Resolutions or making ‘bucket lists’ but I think it might be time to start.  2011

Hakuna matata

…it means no worries. Everyone always seems so shocked when the new year rolls around.  But honestly, not only do I feel a huge sense

Elf on a Shelf

Okay, so it may be a little too late for this year, but a tradition worth remembering for next! My best friend’s brother found this

Confession: I didn’t know who Nelson Mandela was before I saw “Invictis”

I recently was able to sit down and watch Invictis, a film released in 2009 starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.  It is a movie that

Check out my new blog!

I’ve finally got my new blog up and running, and I’m so excited!! Incase your new to my arena, let me tell you a little about

Confession: I’m addicted to ETSY!

Seriously, if you haven’t yet, do it now….check out ETSY! This is a fantastic site, with all handmade or vintage misfits that