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On my doorstep

He was comfortable, relaxing for a minute before our evening baby-bed routine.  I’m pretty sure he was in the middle of doing something on his computer he wanted to be doing as well.  But I had to show him, this most beautiful southern light outside right outside of our own window.  So I called him.  And he didn’t come.  Then I called him again and bedgrudgingly he came.

“Look!” I said, excitedly. “Look at that!!”

He was looking, like really looking but he couldn’t find what I was showing him.  “What?!” He said enthused.

Look at that light. And that snow.  And that ice.  It’s soo beautiful.

“Oh yea, it really is.”  And he saw it.  Right outside our very own window.

I didn’t even have to put on my shoes or slip off my jammies to get these shots.  ….LOVE.

Just beautiful.

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