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Welcome Rylin Ann

We are quickly approaching the three month mark with our newest little member of the family.  With her, it feels like we’ve had her around much longer.  I’m not sure if its because her sister is only 12 months older and we never really got out of the baby routine with her before Rylin was born or if its because life is pure chaos and let’s be honest, the days are often LONG! No matter the reason, I’m back to work and we are all adjusting to life as five juggling family, business, and ourselves.  It’s an adjustment, but we will get there.

Anyway, back to our baby.  See that.  See how easy it is to take the attention off our little peanut?  Yea, happens all the time–“oh the baby!”  Because thank goodness, she is a GOOD baby.  She is really as sweet as they come and tolerates her sisters so well.  Aside from a few eating hiccups we have been so lucky to have such a perfect puddle of love surprise us in our lives.  She has taught me SO many lessons already and her purpose in my life has been shining through in so many ways; including forcing me to let go and slow down with so much.

I’m looking forward to working with so many of my favorite families this summer and fall!  Thank you as always for your continued support, and encouragement <3

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