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Fun in the sun, (for some).

I’m thrilled to welcome my new piece of machinery, or the like, into my world.  Last night while at work my mind was at home dabbling around the user guide, and playing with actions in Lightroom, as I knew I was losing 8 good hours of play time with my beautiful new Nikon.

When I got my d60, I thought it was the camera of my dreams.  I will never forget the feeling I got in my stomach the first few times I used it–it was literally like the excitement you feel as a 6 year old when it’s 5AM Christmas morning and you can hardly contain your excitement.  The sound of the shutter flickering was A-MaZ-InG!  Yes, yes–this is how I knew photography and I were meant to be.  It was a dream, long-over-due, date. (no worries, my fiance’ knows I have numerous fictional romances, from Simon Cowell to Aaron Rodgers, to my new love: the d300s).

Needless to say, upon trying to figure out proportional hypothesis, and rational probabilities I was able to play with my new toy for a little while before the sun fell behind the hills.

One of the MANY MANY things I love about our first house, is the glorious amount of sunlight that floods in during the sunny seasons in Wisconsin.  It evokes the most beautiful patterns around the rooms and illuminates my precious kitties like many never see.  Today they obliged me and let me use them as my precarious “models”.  Ryan did a good job humoring me as well.  Enjoy my first few test shots with my new toy 🙂

Ryan 🙂
Ashton cat.
Daphne girl.

in honor of St. Patty’s day;
My those who love us, love us.
And for those who don’t love us,
May fate turn their hearts.
And if it cannot turn their hearts,
May it turn their ankles,
So we may know them by their limping.
And may you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.

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