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These sweet girls have a special place in our family and I love having them in the studio.  Our closest family is an hour and a half away, and half of them are a two and a half hour plane ride away.  It makes life with kids tricky, knowing you can’t just call mom or sister in a pinch.  But when you find friends that you know you can rely on, the weight becomes a little lighter.  Aside from enjoying each other’s company, thats what this family is to me. A safe place.  And aren’t they just the sweetest?!

Month four.  One picture a week based on the prompt given to me over at Unraveled Academy.



She is mine–but where is the sun anyway?



Walking through life with chronic pain, being held back by the limits of tolerance and ability. Some days the pain wins and peace is found only in solice as the pain is replaced by warm droplets and hot steam swallowing my skin. And I imagine myself emerging from the steam, a Phoenix ready to begin again.

“You are not supposed to be happy all the time. Life hurts and it’s hard. Not because you’re doing it wrong, but because it hurts for everybody. Don’t avoid the pain. You need it. It’s meant for you. Be still with it, let it come, let it go, let it leave you wtih the fuel you’ll burn to get your work done on this earth.”
― Glennon Doyle, from the Book, Love Warrior



Oh, to be two and delightfully ignorant to all the world’s perils. My strong, smart, and brave little girl, jumping into TWO unafraid and rough around the edges. Unafraid of the unknown, tomorrow, tonight. Unafraid of what will be. Simply blissfully unafraid and two.


16/52-no theme. 

Olivia and Matt are waiting on their first baby to arrive and wanted to remember these moments so the came over to my studio to take some photos of the bump.  I don’t know how people go without finding out the sex of their baby knowing the option is there!  Its not even my baby and I’m dying to know what it is!  Regardless, I can’t wait to see them again when baby arrives.

During our time together, their first baby Ruby the pup, joined us for some photos as well.  She was seriously just the sweetest little thing.  It was so fun having a dog in the studio!

Good luck on delivery guys, I can’t wait to meet the babe <3