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As I spent some time in my studio this morning prepping for this weekend’s sessions, I realized I’d never shared my naked studio with you all!  I feel like it might be helpful to be able to visualize the space when your preparing to decide which type of session is best for you!

My studio is simply a room in my home in Sun Prairie Wisconsin that we have dedicated to photo-taking.  I live in a ranch-style house with a finished basement-type area.  The room we converted is in the downstairs portion of our home.   Down there, along with the studio, we have a dedicated play space for children and a living room type area.  There is also a roomy bathroom down there.

I worried that the play area would be a little bit distracting for kiddos, but I have found that it has actually served as a great incentive for good behavior! It has also been nice for siblings who may not be the focus of the session. I have no problem letting the kids play to their hearts content when they aren’t getting their photos taken.  That’s what it’s there for!

Looking from the playroom area into the studio…


My temporary wall…I use this piece to create a cornered wall for dimension in family photos and portraits.



The short wall in the studio I built a pallet wall on (which I plan to finish this summer along with a more cohesive mobile floor).  There is also a large window that allows for a great amount of natural light.  The wall that the door is on is simply painted white and works great for the couch and other neutral feeling pictures.  I like to take family photos here too.



The other short wall of the studio is dedicated to my props and blankets.  In the open closet I also have a changing table.  I keep newborn diapers, wipes and pacifiers available too.



Underneath my prop shelves I have a rack that I use to hold backdrops for child, infant and newborn sessions.


I really never anticipated the excitement having an in-home studio would bring to my business.  In fact, I really only intended to use it for newborns–but in reality it’s been so much more.   My favorite winter sessions have quickly become my in-studio portrait session–a 30 minute session for up to three kids.  It’s a totally different world when you are in a 11×13 foot space trying to create something unique!  But I’ve loved every second of it!  Thank you all for your interest.

One of my favorite sessions in the studio so far has to have been this one.  Little Maverick was diagnosed with Spina Bifida while in-utero.  About three months before he was born, he and his brave mama underwent surgery to repair the hole in his spine.  So, the doctors made an incision in mom’s uterus, pulled baby’s butt to the surface and repaired his back the best they could.  Then, they tucked him back away inside to be born again at a later date. This isn’t uncommon for baby’s diagnosed with Spina Bifida and is lovingly known at “Butt-Day” in the community.

Mom contacted me to see if we could do a session to commemorate the first ‘anniversary’ of this amazing day, and that is exactly what we did.  Maverick was a star, as expected, and pretty much the most adorable little guy ever!  The must have shots?  His scar from surgery, and a great shot with the Superman shirt on–because, umm, how fitting right!?!


Each year, mainly because its fun for me, but also because its a good measuring-stick of personal creative growth, I submit some of my photos from the year to a world-wide photography contest in which my peers are the judges.  I like it because the format is easy to follow and I love looking at other peoples photos, but also because anyone is allowed to vote.  I definitely appreciate technical skill, and am well aware I have so much to learn on that front–but I think there is something to be said for a photo when it’s voted on by hundreds of thousands of people and selected out of hundreds of thousands of photos as a top tier shot.

Last year I ran out of time, and forgot about the submission deadline until the last day so I just submitted a few from my most recent sessions.  I was excited to see that these three ranked in the top 20-30 percent of over 6,000 photos in their categories.  There are twelve rounds of voting; in each round the bottom vote-getters get the boot and the new round begins, so on.  These three made it to the 11/12th round…not too bad for a last minute thought!

Looking forward to seeing what this year brings.  If you’re interested in voting or checking out the OVER 200,000 photos submitted this year head on over to here:  The voting should be opening a little later today.  Enjoy!



2016-02-14_0002My Valentine.  A constant reminder of progress, love, patience and gratitude.  Sometimes, it’s hard being a photographer’s kid–often behind my lens, other times, pushed to the side while I capture other people’s moments throughout our own days.  But she handles it with grace and understanding (for now).  And I try my best not to ask too much of her anymore–After trying to compile memory books for the first two years of her life and being completely overwhelmed with the droves of photos to use, unable to pick favorites, I realized I probably spent too much time worrying about making a hard copy of the moment instead of just breathing it in.  Because of that, I have noticed her asking me more and more to take pictures of her, instead of the other way around.  With that, a huge amount of made up pressure left my back and I know she recognizes I’m more present.

A couple weeks ago, I was in my studio getting ready for a session when I heard her running down the stairs with our puppy, Charlie, on her heels.  I had left her upstairs in her Pj’s and morning hair but she presented to me fully clothed and proud as could be.


She said, “mom, if you need me I’m ready to be your tester… I put on my I love you sweater..”  How could I say no to that?  I knew the moment would be fleeting so I encouraged her to do whatever she wanted and she felt so awesome for that quick 5 minutes and my momma heart was overjoyed.

(um please, that solo dog shot? Hilarious.)


Not perfect or technically impressive but they are some of my favorite ever.  Organic, her being her, doing her thing, and unforced.

We are in the home stretch of growing her baby sister, and she really has no idea how much her world will be rocked.  But I know, as with everything else in her life, she will handle it with grace and wisdom beyond her very short years.  It’s only because of her ability to love and understand that I am not worried about the ability to mother TWO, because even at three, she knows when I need her most–to step up, to love more, to be patient, or to just give me a hug.  Selfish I know.  But wholly true too.

Take some time to just soak it all in today.  The best, romantic gift we’ve been given is this life we live.  It’s all around us, in the simple, most meaningful gestures that are fleeting in our daily lives.
