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It seems all too frequent that I find myself asking “where’d the time go?!” lately…but this is especially true for this little guy!  Lucky for you (and me) we have been able to follow this little guy’s growth from the time he was in the belly until now!  It is so fascinating to be able to document such profound change in people’s lives and in [little] people’s development!

Casie and Andy have been so gracious and have kept such an enthusiastic attitude toward me and my photographs and I couldn’t be any luckier than to have such wonderful models (I mean really have you seen how gorgeous this family is?!) to work with!!  And really, when you have such a beautiful family could anyone make my job much easier? Seriously!!

…check out this little ham…

It was a little too chilly to be outside for too long, and the wind was incredible, but Carter didn’t mind playing dress up!!  In-spite of the wind and temps. we were able to capture a few awesome outdoor family shots….

After our outdoor adventures Carter had just about had enough, and rightfully so.  He was such a sport!  Rarely do outsiders get to experience the tenderness between a mother and a child; I was lucky enough to capture those moments of comfort for C-man and look at the beauty!

After Carter settled for round-well, three really–we were able to capture some great family portraits…

Thanks for an awesome morning, as always!! Now I can’t help but look forward to his 1 yr. portraits!!

If you liked what you saw here, check you my facebook fan page for a few more of my favorites 🙂  Cheers!

I was so so excited to get out shooting again after being cooped up all winter.  I was even more excited that the first shoot of the season was going to be a maternity shoot–I love pregnant mommas!  I feel so lucky to be trusted to capture the tender and precious moment of mother and child-in-belly.  Women are never more beautiful than they are with the ambiance of impending motherhood and the exuberance that the love of their unborn flatters upon them.

Jessica was one of those beautiful mommas-to-be and was kind and brave enough to move her body in ways that perhaps a-week-from-due body should not be moving!  She looks FABULOUS (as you can see) and I am so grateful she chose me to capture her belly for her.  Any day now she could give birth! (I’m so glad she held out past our photo session!)


To see more from this session, and others, check out my page on facebook!  Become a fan of KaitlinSheran Photography!

I’m thrilled to welcome my new piece of machinery, or the like, into my world.  Last night while at work my mind was at home dabbling around the user guide, and playing with actions in Lightroom, as I knew I was losing 8 good hours of play time with my beautiful new Nikon.

When I got my d60, I thought it was the camera of my dreams.  I will never forget the feeling I got in my stomach the first few times I used it–it was literally like the excitement you feel as a 6 year old when it’s 5AM Christmas morning and you can hardly contain your excitement.  The sound of the shutter flickering was A-MaZ-InG!  Yes, yes–this is how I knew photography and I were meant to be.  It was a dream, long-over-due, date. (no worries, my fiance’ knows I have numerous fictional romances, from Simon Cowell to Aaron Rodgers, to my new love: the d300s).

Needless to say, upon trying to figure out proportional hypothesis, and rational probabilities I was able to play with my new toy for a little while before the sun fell behind the hills.

One of the MANY MANY things I love about our first house, is the glorious amount of sunlight that floods in during the sunny seasons in Wisconsin.  It evokes the most beautiful patterns around the rooms and illuminates my precious kitties like many never see.  Today they obliged me and let me use them as my precarious “models”.  Ryan did a good job humoring me as well.  Enjoy my first few test shots with my new toy 🙂

Ryan 🙂
Ashton cat.
Daphne girl.

in honor of St. Patty’s day;
My those who love us, love us.
And for those who don’t love us,
May fate turn their hearts.
And if it cannot turn their hearts,
May it turn their ankles,
So we may know them by their limping.
And may you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.

I have been very grateful for the interest many of you have shown towards my endeavor into photography.  Over this winter I have really tried to work on researching lighting techniques, save up for some better equipment, and as you might have noticed, tried to give my image a face-lift.  I haven’t been seeking clients over the winter because I really wanted to try to focus on educating myself and really think about what my clients should expect when they hire me.

It’s really been over the past year that I have become more serious about photography–and while I realize it isn’t the equipment as much as it is the photographer that make the photo, I really desire to be SO MUCH BETTER.  At the beginning (well, I’d still say I’m at the beginning), I had so much confidence in my ability and really decided to just “wing-it” with any opportunities arose–and boy did I learn a lot–a lot about the technicalities and do’s and dont’s as far as working with other clients go.  I’m not sure nervousness will ever subside when it comes to meeting expectations of others–but it’s so easy to thing it might be easier to conquer if I could just learn techniques “X-Y and Z”.

Aside from literature regarding the technicalities of the camera world, it’s been a great inspiration to be able to admire work through websites and blogs.  Infact was lucky enough to by chance meet a local photographer, Jenn Van Wyk. I was referred to her through a friend, and in return was lucky enough to hire her to capture the moments of my wedding day!  In getting to know her briefly, I learned she started out sort-of like me!  Someone who just loved to take photos.  I love that about her.  And I really admire her work.  But I can’t help but say…”I want to be that good!!”

I have the desire, the will, ability and the inspiration to get there, but I NEED MORE TIME!   It seems being a student, working, and planning a wedding sort-of limit my engagement in the photo world and I hate it!  Taking photos is where it’s at, and it’s defiantly what I’d like to do with my extra time.

I’ve been able to feel like I am growing in my creative eye by exploring blogs–aside from Jenn Van Wyk’s blog, I have been inspired by The Pioneer Woman, and have had a lot of fun with i heart faces, (you’ve probably seen some of my submissions in previous posts) amongst various others.  I’d really like to continue entering photos in these fun competitions–as it really helps foster creativity.

I think spring fever has just gotten the best of me–I cannot wait to get back out there dabbling with new experiences! I have three weddings to shoot this year.  I am co-shooting two weddings with Jenn Van Wyk in  June and July–which I am ecstatic about–and in October I go solo for my first time! EEKKKK! But woohoo!!!!!  Hopefully there will be some other awesome opportunities to arise as well.  I can’t wait to keep learning and growing behind the lens of my camera!

To any comments, advice, experiences, inquiries, and opportunities, I say: Bring it on! and THANK YOU!

  • Jenn Van Wyk - You are so sweet. Your words encourage me so much! About two years ago I decided I wanted to learn how to use my camera in manual mode. From there I decided to try to be a "photographer" because if I didn't try I would always regret it. I have made a lot of mistakes. I have learned a ton. But I just keep on shooting. I encourage you to do the same! I am so excited to shoot with you this summer, we're both going to make mistakes, but hey we are going to have fun and learn a lot (and still get a bunch of great shots in the meantime!). I think we should do coffee and go shooting sometime 🙂 That would be a lot of fun!ReplyCancel

  • Kaitlin - YES! I am game!! I would love to go shooting with you!! Thanks for being so great and open to my amateur excitement! You rock and inspire me to keep on!! Thanks Jenn! Let me know when you want to get together!ReplyCancel